Friday, September 9, 2011

Streamline Your Projects

Take all the projects that you have on your "to do" list (physical or mental) and write them down.

Not as a to do list but as a way to rank them.

The best way to prioritize and rank these projects is:

1.  List them all on one piece of paper.
(note doing this digitally has less of an impact because you do not have a tangible result in the end)

2. Take the top most item on your list and do a one on one comparison with each of the items on the list.

3. For each item that is less important than the current item cross it off.

4. If you find an item that is more important than the current item, cross off the current item and cary on down the list using the more important item.

5. the only item standing once you reach the bottom of the list is the single most important project.

This is a ruthless process that will leave you with only one project to complete.

Be ruthless and get rid of all the second place activities in your life and work on your primary project.

"To have more than one project is to be a man divided" - anonymous

Jay Martens