Take a month off of all social media sites.
Just let it all go, all the petty squabbles, keeping up with the Jones's, pithy quotes on cat pictures, legendary misquotes, opinions of people you haven't been in the same room with for over 15 years...
There are better ways to spend your time and energy.
I truly believe that social media makes us all narcissistic with the ability to "share with my followers" when in reality everyone is just pulling content out of their butts and acting like it's a diamond.
Let the feed pass you by, your mental weight you carry will disappear.
If something is truly important someone will tell you face to face, or even (heaven forbid) call you on your phone.
Social media gives the illusion of connection.
Truly connecting with others today is harder than it ever was, but is easier than it will be tomorrow.
Don't forget to connect with the one person that you can't live without! - Yourself!
We race to meet everyone else's needs at the detriment of our own.
Take care of yourselves and take a month off - you will be surprised how much free time you will have! :)
Jay Mart