I realize that I have WAY too much stuff.
Stuff is what I like to have around me to keep me occupied, and entertained.
Too much stuff seldom, if ever promotes creativity. I find that managing, cleaning up, organizing and sorting stuff is a daily occurrence - and I am a huge procrastinator.
There are things you need to survive (shelter and food), things you need to be socially acceptable (clothes) but beyond this there are layers of perceived need that have slowly grown up around the bare essentials and choke out reason soon enough.
I just bought a new microwave. We use a microwave everyday. Then it broke and we did without for over a month while the new one arrived. Do we NEED a microwave? No. Is a microwave convenient? YES!
Is owning a microwave essentially a good thing or evil? It may be too soon to tell, as I enjoy warmed up leftovers as much as the next guy.
Not just the microwave has been on my mind, but the piles of toys and tools and piles of piles of seemingly "useful" items, that will never be used.
I will sleep on it and keep looking out for ways to thin through what I do have in order to truly be able to enjoy owning things, without the burden of things owning me.
Have a super week!