Monday, August 16, 2010

Cut out the Worry

Create some mental "breathing space" by giving up the worry in your life.

You have to focus all of the worry in your life on the top 3 worries - the other worries will have to wait - for now.

Take 15 seconds and write down the top 3 things that you worry about - grab only the top 3!

Now write each one down on a post-it note. Stick each of the post-it notes in the front cover of three different books you have around the house.

Give yourself permission to spend endless amounts of time worrying about the items on the notes IF you open the book and stare at the post-it:

There is no time limit on this - you won't be changing how long you can worry about these "top 3".

There are a few rules:
  1. You can only have one book open at a time
  2. If you close the book - you are choosing not to worry about that item at this time
  3. You can't take the books out of your house
  4. I completely absolve you of all guilt for not worrying about worrying about your worries.
  5. If you don't want to worry about one of these top 3 items anymore - replace it with some other smaller worry - and eventually work all of the worries out of your system.
Go forth and worry!

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